
Background Image by Jasyn Lucas and Nicole Brightnose https://wcvmtoday.usask.ca/articles/2017/artists-bring-indigenous-knowledge-to-wcvm.php

Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that we are privileged to live, learn and work on Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis. The First Nations signatories of Treaty 6 are the Nêhiyawak (Cree), Dene, Nakota, and Anihšināpēk (Saulteaux).  For those of us that are settlers and newcomers, we acknowledge our responsibilities as treaty partners to foster and build respectful and reciprocal relationships with the original peoples of this place and all the life within it.  As part of our commitment to decolonization, we strive to respond to the TRC calls to action in our personal, professional, and academic activities.  

Read the Calls to Action here: http://trc.ca/assets/pdf/Calls_to_Action_English2.pdf

Learn to write your own land acknowledgement: https://www.trentu.ca/teaching/how-do-land-acknowledgment

Also recognize the limits of your land acknowledgment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlG17C19nYo

Every Child Matters - Wellkin Home

In solidarity and remembrance with the families of the Indigenous children whose remains have been, and are yet to be, found buried on the grounds of former Canadian Residential Schools; You are in our thoughts and hearts, we are mourning with you and we will do better.

We stand with the women in Iran and their allies, who are courageously protesting for their fundamental human rights and freedom.

Woman – Life – Freedom

artists Soheila Sokhanvari and Roshi Rouzbehani

We are proud to stand with the members of the LGBTQIA2S+ community.

We stand against hate.


The WCVM DIVERSE (DIVERSE) club provides a safe space for WCVM black, indigenous, people of colour (BIPOC/racialized), LGBTQIA2S+, students with disabilities and our allies to come together in solidarity to shine a much needed light on racism, exclusion and discrimination within the veterinary field. 

This club will serve as a source of information and education on proactive anti-racism and anti-discrimination for its members and the WCVM community, through education/training, discussions, guest speaker series and outreach initiatives. Finally, we hope this club will instill the confidence necessary for members to proudly and boldly promote a student and work environment free from discrimination. 

As a branch of OVC DIVERSE, this club broadens its access to speakers, platforms and networks in the Canadian Veterinary Collegiate System.

WCVM DIVERSE also works closely with like-minded groups on campus such as WCVM One Welfare Veterinary Outreach Initiative (OVO).

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Woman – Life – Freedom

This Awareness Minute is dedicated to the recently televised news in Iran. The recent murder of a 22 year old Iranian women for not covering her hair has reignited a decades long fight for the emancipation of women. There are several of us to whom this is very personal, however if you identify as a woman or a feminist,…

Internalized Racism

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Juneteenth (June 19th)

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